Flannel Board, Storytime

Storytime: Clouds


Little Cloud by Eric Carle
Cloudette by Tom Litchenheld
The Police Cloud by Christoph Niemann

I’m a Little Cloud (tune: I’m a Little Teapot)

I’m a little cloud in the sky (circle arms above head)
You can find me way up high (stretch arms up)
Sometimes I’m puffy (hands on hips)
Sometimes stretched out (hands out at sides)
I just love to float about (sway side to side)

Five Little Clouds

Five little clouds up in the sky (raise arms overhead)
Drifting, floating way up high (sway arms)
When a big gust of wind came blowing through (move arms to the side)
One disappeared from the sky so blue

(count down)

Rain is Falling Down (tune: Ants Go Marching)

The rain is falling down in drops (wiggle fingers down)
Drip drop, drip drop (tap thighs)
The rain is falling down in drops
Drip drop, drip drop
The rain is falling down in drops
We can’t go play until it stops (wag finger side to side)
Oh the rain is falling down
To the ground
Where it makes lots of mud
Squish, squish, squish (tap floor)

Cloud Craft

For the craft children practiced their fine motor skills by picking up a cotton ball with a clothespin. Next they dipped the cotton ball into white paint and stamped it onto the blue paper to create clouds. I had a cloud outline on the blue paper already done but you can also let children make their own clouds.

How it Went: “Little Cloud” by Eric Carle was the most popular book. Children loved looking at the pictures and yelling out what shape the cloud took. They also really enjoyed the flannel board, it was so much fun to pretend to be the wind and blowing the clouds away.

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