
Storytime: Hats

Books “Finders Keepers” by Keiko Kasza “Hooray for Hat!” by Brian Won “Whose Hat?” by Margaret Miller Grandma’s Glasses These are grandma’s glasses (circle fingers around eyes) This is grandma’s hat (place hands above head) And this is the way she folds her hands (interlace fingers) And lays them in her lap (put hands in… Read More Storytime: Hats


Storytime: Clothes

Books “Ella Sarah Gets Dressed” by Margaret Chodos-Irvine “Hooray for Hat!” by Brian Won “Duck Sock Hop” by Jane Kohuth Silly Hat On my head, I wear a hat (pretend to place hat on head) It is such a silly hat That my head will wiggle waggle to and fro (tilt head side to side)… Read More Storytime: Clothes


Storytime: Letter H

Books “Whose Hat? by Margaret Miller “Clip-Clop!” by Nicola Smee “Building a House” by Byron Barton While I read “Clip-Clop” I had the parents put their child on their lap and turned the book into a bounce, the parents and kids alike really got into it. ABC Magnets I like to start and end the… Read More Storytime: Letter H