
Storytime: Blanket


“Kiki’s Blankie” by Janie Bynum
“Flora’s Blanket” by Debi Gliori

Here is a Baby

Here is a baby 
(hold up index finger)
Ready for a nap
Lay her down in her mother’s lap
(place finger in palm of other hand)
Cover her up so she won’t peek
(curl fingers around index finger)
Rock her till she’s fast asleep
(rock hand side to side)

Five Little Monkeys

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed (hold up 5 fingers)
One fell off and bumped his head (tap head)
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said (phone to eat)
“No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” (shake finger)

(count down)

Oh Me, Oh My

(My wonderful artist co-worker made me this fun flannel board! I would fold the blanket it half and rub it together to make the food fall off. Then I would shake the blanket to pretend to make it dry.)

At breakfast time I drank some milk and it spilled on my blanket
Oh me, oh my
I have to wash my blanket and hang it out to dry

At lunch time I ate some peanut butter and it got on my blanket
Oh me, oh my
I have to wash my blanket and hang it out to dry

At snack time I had a banana and it smeared on my blanket
Oh me, oh my
I have to wash my blanket and hang it out to dry

At dinner time I had some spaghetti and sauce dripped on my blanket
Oh me, oh my
I have to wash my blanket and hand it out to dry

At bedtime I secretly ate some cookies and crumbs dropped on my blanket
Oh me, oh my
I have to shake out my blanket, no time to wash or dry
I need my blanket, it’s time for beddy bye

Source: Perry Public Library 
(words changed slightly)

How it Went: I was a little nervous for this theme because I couldn’t find any books I loved. Luckily the kids adored the books and the flannel board. I even brought out the scarves (we pretended they were blankets) and we danced around with them at the end. Children really liked the “Oh Me, Oh My” flannel board, they loved yelling out the food and thought it was hilarious when I “washed” the blanket.

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